Frequently asked questions

Here are most of the often asked questions and our answers to them. If you have other questions, just leave us a message!

Every website design project is different as it depends on the complexity of features and amount of content to input on the website. On average, a standard corporate website design of about 8-10 web pages can be completed within 6 to 8 weeks.

The time it takes to build a website depends on the complexity of the project. We typically provide a timeline estimate during the initial consultation.

Yes, we offer website maintenance services to ensure your website stays up-to-date and secure.

Yes, we specialize in creating custom designs that reflect the unique branding of your business.

The cost of building a website depends on the specific needs of your business. We provide personalized quotes based on the scope of the project.

Yes, we offer social media marketing services to help promote your business and engage with your target audience.

Yes, we offer search engine optimization services to improve your website’s visibility and ranking on search engines like Google.

Yes, we offer website hosting services to ensure your website stays up and running smoothly.

We specialize in platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento for e-commerce solutions.

Yes, we provide training to ensure you are comfortable using and maintaining the digital solutions we develop for your business.

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